I'm having one of those mornings where I just can't get the crust out of my eyes. It's Sunday, so it's lazy day, but I was never one for following a strict code of daily conduct. I need something to do. Something productive. My books haven't even been shipped yet, so no reading. Music isn't exactly time consuming. Writing in my blog here seems to be the only thing worth while, but I have nothing to write. However, this is a good time to tell you guys about my family.
So in my house there's me and Fernando. I met him when I moved down here last year. My intention when I moved down was to be a substitute teacher for the school, and I did get certified, but I haven't had but one job since. Fernando was my dads assistant for his shop. He sells boats, cars, and anything else that has a motor. He's been doing this since he was fifteen years old. Eventually I started working for him too. My dad would buy a piece of inventory, Nando would clean it up and make it look brand new, and I would plaster the internet with it. Even though I'm now a full time student and I have a job, I still work for him every once in a while. Nando works every day, and now that we moved into a new town, there's always something for him to do.
Out new place, as I've shown in a previous post and video, is the guest house to the property. It's quite big for a guest house, and we have plenty of room for our stuff. In the main house resides my dad and his fiance. Together they have six kids, including me. I have two brothers, both of which are catching up to me in maturity, at least I hope. Matt is sixteen now and Vinny is thirteen. They share a room upstairs in the main house. Elijah and Seth who are both in between Matt and Vinny's ages, share another room down the hall from them. Seth is an awesome drummer, and he's pretty good at guitar too. Our music room has a set of drums in it along with his guitar, Matt's guitar, and my bass. We talked about starting a band some day. Elijah is a simple guy. He play's video games and plays football. He's taller than me and could probably put me through a wall if he really wanted to. Okay, so lastly we have Emily, or Emma. She's the youngest of all the kids, but the upside of being a girl, she gets her own room downstairs.
The main house is really nice, and we can see Mt. Nebo from the front porch of both houses. Stars are really bright at night, and the lake is down the street if we want to go swimming or take the boat out. I don't plan on staying here forever, but I do plan on making the most of what I have until I'm out of college. I plan on being able to see my daughter every day of my life. All I can do now is push forward.
And that's my household. Again, not too exciting. I'll have more to write about during the week when things actually happen. For now, help me decide what I want to write about, guys!